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New Tech

Written by
Jeremy Askew
Published on

In the main I like new technology. It allows human capital to be redeployed ever more efficiently to matters only humans can handle. Technology raises the bar of what is possible and helps us improve.  

It is rare that there’s much in the way of “first mover advantage” for a firm like TCFP. It pays for us to take our time, see how things shake out, who the winners are.

Also, it must be used correctly, to enhance, not simply substitute otherwise we run the risk of appearing lazy or uncaring.  

For example, it makes much sense to use an online appointment booking tool to avoid the back and forward of booking a routine appointment.  

But it makes no sense when a client has messaged “Help, my hair is on fire!” – in those circumstances only a fully human response will do.

Tech allows us to focus more and more on the one thing that tech can never achieve – to care.

That's the real benefit – more time to care more.

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